Hiring life insurance guarantees your family invaluable economic security in the event of the insured’s death. AXA Protect Life Insurance coverage guarantees you much more. In this article we tell you how AXA Protect Life Insurance works, what coverage it has and what advantages it offers.
Remember that you can compare prices and coverage in the life insurance comparator of PuntoSeguro.com .
Life insurance coverage
The main coverages that can be contracted with life insurance areDeath due to any cause
Permanent disability
Serious diseases
The main coverage is that of death due to any cause. Other coverages are optional. In any case, the higher the insured capital, the higher the insurance premium.
Among the different life insurance offered by AXA is the Protect Life Insurance, which not only includes these coverages, but also offers others that are worth assessing.
AXA Protect Life Insurance
AXA Protect Life Insurance is one of the most complete life insurance on the market , with extensive coverage, which adapts to current needs. In addition, it can be renewed until age 74 with all coverages and up to 80 years with death coverage.Protect Life Insurance is a very complete life insurance with very interesting coverage. In addition to the guarantee of death from any cause, this life policy includes:
Additional capital due to accident and traffic accident
Absolute disability for any reason, up to 5 times the capital contracted in death
Absolute disability due to accident
Total inability to perform the usual profession
Capital advance for burial expenses up to € 6,000
Capital advance for inheritance tax expenses
Additional capital in case of diagnosis of serious illness
In addition, with Protect Life Insurance you will have access to a wide network of doctors, nutritionists, physical exercise specialists and psychologists from your mobile or computer (via chat or video consultations). You can also get a second medical opinion in case of serious illness, already diagnosed.
On the other hand, the Protect Life Insurance gives you personalized follow-ups and recommendations to improve your health habits, as well as discounts of up to 70% on health and wellness services such as massages, physiotherapy and much more.
In addition, the age of hiring of the Protect Life Insurance of AXA is up to 74 years, and you can renew it up to 80 years with death coverage.