-Ácido palmítico (2-6%);
-Ácido esteárico (15-25%);
-Ácido oleico (60-70%);
-Ácido linolénico (5-15%);
-Ácido linoleico(<1%);
-Ácido palmítico
-Ácidos grasos Omega 3 y 6
-Vitaminas A,C y E (antioxidantes)
-Lupeol: que frena los efectos del envejecimiento porque inhibe las enzimas que degradan la piel y es antiinflamatorio.
sirve para tratar:
-pezones agrietados por la lactancia
-reblandecer cutículas
-codos y talones secos… Podemos ponernos la crema de manteca de Karité y unos calcetines encima toda la noche.
La manteca de karité contiene látex natural y aunque es en una proporción pequeña, los que seais alérgicos debeis ser precavidos: antes de utilizarla es muy conveniente que la apliqueis (el producto puro o productos que lo contengan) en una pequeña zona de vuestra piel para comprobar que no reacciona.
Today we are going to talk about a product we really like. Especially now Temperature is Changing and the skin starts drying. To prevent and repair the slightly dry skin we like the shea butter products. Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa ) is a tree up to 15 meters from savannas of West Africa. Shea means butter tree.
The fruits are fleshy drupe with a thin shell almond . After a long process in which the nuts are shelled, dried, crushed and boiled the become white butter. They are rich in nutrients and vitamins and are used in beauty products because they have anti-aging and deeply moisturizing properties. Products containing this butter, seem pretty thick but once it gets in contact with the body temperature, it blends perfectly. You will feel your skin very soft and hydrate. If you apply the cream every day your hands also will notice.
Shea butter composition:
-Palmitic acid (2-6 % ) ;
-Stearic acid (15-25 % ) ;
-Oleic acid (60-70 % ) ;
-Linolenic acid ( 5-15%) ;
-Linoleic acid ( <1%) ;
-Palmitic acid
-Fatty acids Omega 3 and 6
-Vitamins A, C and E ( antioxidant )
-Lupeol : Slowing aging effects by inhibiting enzymes that degrade the skin and also anti-inflammatory .
Useful applications
-stretch marks
-dry heels ... We can leave the shea butter with the shocks up all night long.
Shea butter contains natural rubber latex, it is a small proportion, but if you are allergic you must be cautious.
María & Kira