Fitness: Correcta Postura/

The idea of ​​"plank" is to maintain this position for as long as possible. This exercise is not exactly easy, but the benefits are amazing.

If youre not used to exercising and want to adopt this routine, you can start practicing 10 to 15 seconds.
If you exercise regularly, you can start up to 2 minutes. Then you can take a break from 2 minutes to up to 5 reps.
We know that to achieve a healthy weight and a slender figure one of the essential habits are exercise routines.

Through exercise facilitate fat burning in our body, we work the areas of localized fat and, incidentally, Invigorate your body to make it look spectacular. However, because of time, difficulty, or taste, among others, most people have a hard time exercise your body regularly and do some physical activity to help you stay healthy.

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