… Know yourself, in the humanity that emerges on the surface as in your deep spirituality; it is the most amazing and exciting adventure in which you can embark and the most ambition project of your life.
Do you dare to start the adventure of discovering who you really are? Start stopping to live with borrowed ideas and start thinking for yourself, stop buying the info-garbage sell us and bombarding us 24 hours a day to persuade and convince you that you have no power or worth, because you are worth only for what you have!? Concealing the great truth that leads you to freedom: You are worth what you are!
Objectively analyze the information that comes to you and do not buy immediately; do not adopt easily and without discerning; ideas, terms and concepts that are in fashion and much less share or apply it, only if you find first absolute consistency in your heart and fully understand all its implications.
Your heart is an efficient brain, is the master brain of your soul -in another article I will discuss its intimate relationship and co-functionality with the cranial brain-, use it to filter all the information you receive.
There are too many distractions and junk information that have made you forget who you really are; however, if you forgot it and doubt that it is true; you are still great, powerful and worth much for the simple reason that it is you; and it’s time to discover the power and greatness is inside yourself and recover all your worth. It is time to reclaim your expertise and share it with the world!
Perhaps have succeeded to trick you that your happiness depends on things and people, and you believe that power lies outside of you, that the source of happiness is outside of you and that the more material things, money, status and recognition you have, the happier you will be.
But it is not true, if you believed, you’re likely to spend the rest of your life behind the carrot, seeking happiness without finding it, and you know why? Because happiness is not outside of you, it has always been within you, subtly hidden under the shelter of love, awareness and compassion. Happiness is a natural attribute of the soul that celebrates and engages with life! It is independent of possessions and relationships, it depends directly and proportionately on the freedom to experiment and manifest who you really are.
The most powerful thing you can do today for you, for your family and the world is self-know yourself. It is the best legacy you can offer to Humanity.
Please be powerful today, with humility and simplicity, because your power comes from your heart.
-Liliana Lorna
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