Tips to be a happy crossdresser

She looks so happy in her black dress and high heels. If you have been in this wonderful world for some time, you will know that being a happy crossdresser is not just a matter of what you wear. Its more than that and here are some clues that I hope will be as useful to you as they were to me.
Happy crossdresser maybe because she is in pantyhose and high heels

Accepting yourself

Do you enjoy being a crossdreser? Then stop suffering and accept yourself as you are, a normal person who likes to look pretty by dressing as feminine as possible in womens clothes.

The acceptance of oneself is a fundamental step to be happy. It may take you a while to understand it, and thats normal, but by doing so you will see things differently and be happier.

Be honest with your loved ones

You know that you are surrounded by people who love you and want the best for you. Be honest with them. The subject may be a bit complicated to deal with but there is always a way to talk about your crossdressing with your wife, family or friends. If you want a happy relationship, honesty will always be the key

Stop comparing yourself

Every woman has her own qualities and defects. You have them too. If you like your qualities then reinforce them and if you feel that you have things to improve then get to work on them. Remember that you are beautiful.

Fuente: este post proviene de Beautiful crossdressers, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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