Demo: 5 Reasons You Need The X Theme

X is not your grandmother’s WordPress theme, and we want to prove it to you. Here are the top 5 reasons you need to buy X today!

Stacks, Stacks, & More Stacks

Instead of being stuck with one design for your next project, X is a gift that keeps on giving. Built with our custom Stacks, X is the most versatile premium WordPress theme on the market today. Think of Stacks like full site designs built into the theme with each one giving a totally unique look and feel. There are currently three Stacks to chose from: Integrity, Renew, and Icon.

Point & Click

X is not only one of the most cutting edge themes on the market today, it’s incredibly easy to customize using the latest innovation from WordPress: the Theme Customizer. Instead of clicking through pages and pages of an admin panel only to have to click back and forth between the dashboard and your live site, with X you can change every aspect of your site while viewing it through the Customizer. See in real time how every color, layout, and pixel will look then click “Save” and you’re done. Customizing a theme has never been so easy.

Built By Experts

We weren’t satisfied with just making “another” WordPress theme…so we decided to do something different. We reached out to many of the top business and internet marketing minds of today to ask them about things like conversion, copywriting, layouts, squeeze pages, SEO, and more. X is the culmination of over a dozen of the smartest marketers on the planet who shared their expertise to build into this truly ultimate theme. You can learn more about the experts who contributed in our features section.

Future Proof

HTML5. CSS3. Fully Responsive, and more! X is not only built to be the most beautiful and powerful WordPress Theme of 2013, it is ready for the future. With a sharp development team that stays on the cutting edge of all that WordPress has to offer, you can rest assured that any site using X will be steps ahead of the pack employing the high-end functionality your site demands.

Simply The Best

Don’t just take our word for it. See for yourself. First time users frequently report how fun and easy it is to customize X exactly to their likings. Whether that’s boxed or full width, dark or light, multi colors or minimal, large fonts or small — X is like nothing you have ever seen!

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