2020 …
From here, nothing, absolutely nothing will ever be the same in our beloved, exploited and until a few years ago, valued planet.We are only a few hours from crossing the finish line:
2020 is the date!
It has always been the date,
the true crucial date for humanity.
Neither 2000 nor 2012,
the real decisive mark is 2020
and it’s here!
So many wonderful things have happened in the inter, is it possible that you can turn back in your life, realize what you’ve been through and be aware of everything you’ve accomplished for yourself and for all humanity? Just doing YOUR powerful internal work?You have traveled a winding and steep path of personal, professional and spiritual elevation.
We had to step up and some of us had to run to reach Gaia and wake up at the same pace as her, following her loving compass.
[…] I feel very excited and happy to live here and now, in these magical times of the ascension of our beloved Gaia, and deeply honored to share with you the wonderful, incredible and magical experience of life, and so, be part of your story. Thank you!
I would love to tell you everything that has happened in recent years and especially in 2017, 2018 and 2019, decisive years in which, by merit and own work, you have reached a certain individual degree; placing you in the level of light-love to which you belong, to, from here, start your journey through the golden era that begins with the radiant energy of 2020, which has not waited to make its entrance on January 1, but it has done so in advance, as of October of this year (2019), leading the entrance of a golden era, which, like a smooth warped surface, will enter triumphantly, taking strength as it passes through several markers.