Weight Gain in Pregnancy: The Speed of Weight Gain During Pregnancy

What is the rate of Weight Gain During Pregnancy?

During the period of bearing a child, changes occur in the female body that is visible to the eye: a rounded belly and an increasing body weight. Weight gain in pregnancy should be carefully monitored by the pregnant woman herself and the leading gynecologist.

Sharp changes up or down indicate a possible pathological process. In some pregnant women, the figure practically does not change (except for the grown belly). And while others add the fullness of the hips, buttocks, arms.

It depends on the rate of metabolic processes in the female body, and not on a large amount of food.

Of course, uncontrolled food intake is one of the reasons for weight gain in pregnancy. But if the body's metabolic processes are normal, this cannot contribute to the rapid growth of excess weight.

Pregnancy Weight!

Typically, during the gestation period, the pregnant woman should put on weight from 10 to 15 kg. If more is an indicator of the excess kilogram, less is a lack of nutrients. In both cases, an adjustment is needed.

The reasons for overweight during pregnancy are conventionally divided into hereditary - this is a genetic predisposition to obesity, and acquired:

Body type: Aesthetics and Hypersthenic,
The Age of the Pregnant Woman,
Toxicosis: Its Presence or Absence,
The Appetite of a Pregnant Woman,
Multiple Pregnancies,
A Pathological course of Pregnancy,
The number of kilograms also depends on the trimester of pregnancy. So at the beginning of pregnancy (in the first trimester), weight loss may occur, and closer to 12 weeks - recovery.

There is an intense mass gain in the second trimester, so it is necessary to control appetite. In the third trimester, the mass continues to grow, but not so quickly.

(At 37-39 Weeks, The Weight Stops.)

How to Measure Weight Correctly?

To know the Exact Weight, You must:

Use the same scales. With frequent weights change, the weight will vary in one direction or another.

Measure body weight no more than one time per week. Preferably on the same day of the week.
Weigh yourself in the morning on an empty stomach by visiting the toilet room (with an empty bladder and intestines).
Weigh yourself in light clothing or one underwear if the measurement of body weight is carried out at an appointment at the obstetrician-gynecologists office - in lingerie and without shoes (you can wear socks or light slippers).
For weight control, record the result.

The Rate of Weight Gain for the Expectant Mother!

Weight gain in pregnancy during normal pregnancy does not occur spontaneously.

Due to the individuality of the body, weight gain in pregnancy will differ. In some, from the first day of delay, appetite increases - an accelerated weight gain occurs. Others have a noticeable increase only from 20 weeks.

There are limit values ​​for body weight in the gestational period, depending on the period. Scheme of weight gain during pregnancy by weeks and months (table):

For the period from the moment of conception and four weeks of pregnancy, no change in body weight is observed.
From 5 to 8 weeks, there may be weight loss - this is an ordinary physiological course; for example, due to toxicosis. Usually, the loss is no more than 2 kg, and the gain is no more than 1 kg.
At three months (from 9 to 12 weeks) - an average of 200 g should be added per week, the total increase is no more than 2 kg.
From 4 months, a noticeable increase in weight begins - on average, weight gain ranges from 1 to 4 kg.
At five months - up to 5 kg, the minimum increase is 3 kg.
With the beginning of 6 months, the 2nd trimester of pregnancy ends - there is an intensity in the increase in the weight of the pregnant woman, but not only due to body fat but also due to the fetus's growth. Fluctuations range from 6 to 9 kg.
At seven months - no more than 12 kg.
From 8 to 9 months, the activity of weight gain in pregnancy decreases.

Weight Gain at Nine months of Pregnancy Stops for That Reasons:

It is essential to monitor the amount during this period because a sharp jump in the kilogram is an alarming signal of the baby's condition. Normal values: 9 to 15 kg.

Features of Weight Distribution During Pregnancy!

During the carrying of a child, a consistent weight growth is noted. Each share has its weight. The increase in mass occurs not only due to the bearing fetus but also due to some other organ changes.

Table 01 (At the time of Delivery in the Ordinary Course of the Gestational Period)

 (The Table Presents Average Values)
In Pregnancy Weight Gain Formula! It is possible to calculate the maximum weight gain in pregnancy independently.Initial body weight is the pre-pregnancy weight. This indicator is required for further calculation.

To calculate BMI, you need to divide the body weight in kg by the height squared.For example, weight 60 kg / for height 1.8 (180 cm) squared(continue reading)

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