Erotic massages on the head

The first thing your partner should do is lie on your back, with your head resting on a cushion. In your case, get on your knees behind him and start at the forehead, making a gentle stroke with your fingers from the nose and see until the birth of hair, alternating right and left. Repeat this movement about 12 times, varying the intensity of the pressure depending on the wishes of your partner. Finally, place the palms of your hands on your temples and hold the position for two minutes.

The caresses that you perform in this type of massage stimulate the energy center behind the forehead, what we call the "third eye". In this way you will get tensions relaxed, stress disappears and a deep feeling of well-being.

The best time to do erotic massages on the head is in the early afternoon. It is recommended to do it in a very smooth way, since it will be the ideal preamble for other types of massage with greater erotic load. Even if you do not have any experience, this massage is easy to perform, as well as fast, and will allow you to become familiar with the physical contact between you and each other.

One of the things to keep in mind is that the ear is an ultra sensitive and highly erogenous area and, once stimulated, sends an electric impulse directly to the gut. Take advantage of it and tickle it with your tongue or your breath. But beware! Not everyone likes to get too close to the ear. So leave it at the first sign of rejection.
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Erotic massage is the first preamble to a passionate sexual relationship, so it starts in the head and continues with other preliminaries ...

Tips for making an erotic massage for your partner

Eat light before the massage. There is no better time to try a light menu and 100% aphrodisiac based on oysters, strawberries and champagne.

Correctly clean the room. The ideal temperature: 25 degrees. It has to be a warm environment for the muscles to relax and the body to fully enjoy the massage. Keep in mind that you will be naked!

Favor a Zen atmosphere: dim the lights and disconnect the phone so they do not bother you. A soothing and relaxing background music will create the right atmosphere. You can also vaporize essential oils in the environment so that the aroma is pleasant: 3 drops of orange blossom oil will relax tensions.

Create a comfortable place: Put soft cushions on the bed, sofa or floor, use soft and warm blankets or thick, skin-friendly towels.

Invest in massage oil. Choose the ones that are somewhat fluid and fatty so that the hands slide smoothly through the skin. Avoid paraffin oil, which is a chemical and decant for organic vegetable oil. As for the smell, the decision is yours: sweet almond, macadamia, sesame, apricot ...

Remove jewelry and cut your nails, to avoid scratching the pair.

Attend to the sensations of the other: the pressure varies according to their reactions. You can feel it in your breathing.

Change the technique: rubbing, "kneading", pinching, massaging, pressing ... And, above all, it avoids scars and varicose veins.

Sharing: erotic massage is, above all, an exchange of roles and, therefore, feelings.

Let your imagination fly: You do not have to follow the letter of the techniques that we propose. Alternate your caresses with kisses and pampering, only you know what your boy likes best! Have you ever thought of resorting to erotic toys? Here are the highlights.
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