The undiscovered light

I remember now ....Sometimes, i forget

I forget what and for

Who am i and what am i here for?

Its not what i think society portrays me as or what i think about myself: what i am capable or not capable of, what i fear or think i need.

Its about what i feed off when im falling inlove with life; all the goodness and beauty in the world, things that remain meanwhile other perish, and that reminds us of that really IS important: to look in the right direction.

But the most important part is to know that it is not just out there, but inside, not just the bad and the fake, but also (and mostly) the good, the stable, the powerfull: we need to know that we are all that, because if not, we have nothing to start with.... No where to take off....

We are the warmth of sunshine, the glow of snow, the smile behind a lovely scenery, the love for arts, the compassion... What i love, that is what i am. And there is no point in doing anything that i do not love, that awakens my soul, allows me to know myself and reminds me of what i have forgotten about myself and my true nature.

Our nature is not to be or think we are content, because we dont know unfortune but because i am not persuing whatever would make me truely happy.
Thats my tramp: i usually thing about or on something, but i am not persuing what makes me, ME. It may sound dumb, but when you have experienced a little of what you truely are its hard not to feel like somethings missing.

Dont ever please, not anyone, not even your own expectations, good or bad of what you might think you are, because that is all they are, ideas, and we are not an idea, we are not the contradiction behind them, on the contrary: we are life. We are, when we feel none, and that doesnt mean that all of the other stuff doesnt exist, i dont know if one life is enough to get rid of all of what isnt true; to sculp to perfection our core and leave nothing else but our essence, but it definetly starts with it.... At least knowing that it is there and that it is possible, searching experience that encourage that feeling of none contradiction and ease, and when we start to feel that glow of light just keep the light on.... "The only thing that can pass on light is light", just like martin luther king said: "darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that". Only excersicing of who we are can set us fee. That is who we truely are: the undiscovered light.

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