pubg-best game in 2019

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If you are not confident in your skills yet, then going to places away from the safe zone might be more beneficial. The loot there might not be the best but it will mostly be sufficient to carry you towards the mid-game. Its always recommended to keep a vehicle with you if you are planning to run this strategy, as it will get you out of several sticky situations. Since you are not going to places with a high concentration of loot as well, you can easily move to several smaller places for the optimal loot with a vehicle.
This strategy is perfect for avoiding early combat and going deep into the game. Of course, you might find a few people but it will always be less risky compared to being in a hotspot with lots of other players.
Where to find the best loot in Erangel
Although playing passively is a very efficient way of playing the game, you can always go to one of the high priority locations for the best loot. If you manage to survive these locations, then you are most likely set for the rest of the game.
If you are new to PUBG and have very little experience in shooting games, camping is one thing that can lead you to success. Its a niche way of playing the game to be sure, but its very safe and will get you much farther than playing aggressively if youre not that good at the gunplay aspect of PUBG. To that end, Erangel has tons of good camping spots but it all depends on the playzone. You can let others do the looting while you quietly wait for a chance to pounce. Remember, having a high kill count is not the main objective of the game. Its all about survival.
There are underground bunkers that can be good hiding spots as well. They are not visible on the map (except for shelter) but are present near the Shooting Range.
READ MORE: Most underrated loot spots in Erangel
The bridges connecting the islands are one of the highly camped areas so be sure to double check it before you make your way through. Players can also climb the railings that are holding the bridges, so be careful in those areas.
Since Erangel seems very balanced there is no specific weapon which will break the game. Its always recommended to take an Assault Rifle and a Sniper Rifle as they both will cover your every in dealing damage.
Overall, Erangel is a good place to start if you are new to PUBG. Learning to survive and thrive here will help you get better in every aspect of the game.

12 more professional PUBG players have been banned for hacking
PUBG being one of the biggest games in the world right now, has become an important addition to the professional arena is also developing into a rather big attraction. And being one of the most popular games PUBG has been plagued with cheaters even before the game was officially launched and was in its Early Access period. The problem with cheaters became so blatant that popular streamers like Shroud encountered them on a regular basis, and died quite a few times at their hands.
Recently Reddit users pulled up the statistics that Bluehole has banned almost 13 million fraudulent accounts and hackers in October of last year. Following this PUBG banned another 30,000 accounts recently which followed the release of the new Vikendi map using its anti-cheat algorithm called BattlEye.
The newest hack to be included in the scope of possible banning, is the Radar hack. This particular hack allowed users to keep a tab on all the other players on the map and get live updates on their position on another screen or a smartphone. The most disturbing part of this new wave of bans from Bluehole is that a lot of professional players were banned under suspicion of using the Radar hack.

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